
Spring is on it's way!

So, just out of the blue, my dad bought me these:
A pile of seeds with some gardening tools
Seeds! And TOOLS!

My Dad is the fucking best! Out of the blue he handed me a bag from home depot.... I looked in and saw tons of seed packets and two gardening tools. He said it was all for me. 

I know it's not polite to think about money here, but between the seed packets and the gardening tools he must have dropped at least 40 dollars on me, just because!

He said he went to home depot to get mom an orchid for valentines day, and since he knew we needed supplies before the snow melted, he figured he'd kill two birds with one stone (one of my favorite phrases). 

While he was there he picked up some stuff we didn't grow last summer: Cukes, artichoke, sweet pepper, and oregano!

a whole pile of seed packets, varieties we haven't tried yet
Some new seeds, for veggies we didn't try last summer!
 The picture doesn't fully show, but that pumpkin seed pack is for small sugar pumpkins which should be better for eating than the jack-o-lanterns we ate last time around.



three varieties of beets, seed packets
beets, BEETS, BEETS!
Last summer we grew Ruby Queens.. My Dad cooked them up and they were fucking amazing. He also cooked the greens, and again... Fucking incredible. This time around, Dad picked out "Tall Top Early Wonder" and "Detroit Dark Red" as well. He said he knew the beets were my favorite, so he got the same ones and a couple new for taste tests!

I literally can't wait for the snow to melt so we can get planting! Last time around, Dad's health wasn't so good... We didn't plant until late June, and our harvest was small because of that. This time around we are going to seize the planting season by the throat. 

But that's not the only thing that's gonna be even better this time around:

Last year my brother and sister and mother all steered clear of the garden. Idiots. This time around, I'm gonna try hard to get them into the garden- for Dad's sake. 

I don't know how yet, but I'm pretty smart. I'll figure it out, I have to because it will make Dad happy.

Oh... One other thing. I really like the gardening tools dad gave me. especially the fucking hori hori knife (gardening dagger).

this gardening tool looks and feels exactly like a dagger.
I love the way this feels in my hands. It's sharp and sturdy!

It also has gradation markings, which I think is great. I can see at a glance exactly how deep I dig, stab, or cut. 

the knife looks deadly, it's stuck into a big piece of fire wood
I know it's for gardening, but...

Sharp, and shiny new toy!
... I can think of plenty of other uses. 


  1. You are the perfect example of the kind of kid who should NEVER be given anything sharp. Psycho.

    why doesn't dad know better?

    1. ummmm... WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???

      MY dad knows me better than anybody. And why the fuck are you just addressing him as just 'dad'. Next time you will say: "YOUR DAD."

    2. I can't actually decipher your idiotic response. You've never seen a typo before, huh? I meant "your dad."

      Regardless, your dad obviously doesn't know shit about you. Does he know you changed his will? Does he know you torture helpless animals? Does he know you take pictures of your neighbors without permission? You're a fucking creepy little psycho, and if you're dad knew it he'd certainly be ashamed.

    3. OH MY FUCK!

      1) I changed his will to better reflect HIS wishes.
      2) I never said I torture animals- only that I kill them. You better not ever eat meat or wear leather, or you're a hypocrite.
      3) my neighbors were fighting so loud, I could hear them in the street. At that points it's public!
      4) fuck yourself until you die from it.

  2. Wow! I am planning on growing a garden when i move (my houses backyards soil is infested with snails, slugs, rolly pollys, salamanders, beetles, and a certain white fungus that i cant kill, i guess its my fault for living in a place thats backyard is really just an open forest and creek, its pretty but only native plants can grow) and I am happy for you, i bet your harvest will be great.

    1. Thanks for reading! Gardening is a lot of work, but its fun and that's half the reward (the other half is the fresh produce)

      I wish you luck if and when you move and decide to take it up yourself. Snails and slugs are a serious danger to gardens, but salamanders and rolly pollys wont do any harm. Infact, I imagine salamanders might eat slugs- I know frogs and snakes do!


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