
r/DestructiveReaders, an UPDATE

If you read my last post, you know I tried joining a reddit community where people critique each other's writing and... somehow failed.

Here's an update:

The mod who squashed me earlier came through.

They removed the asshole who called me an asshole. And they offered that if I reposted, they would approve. They even wished me luck with my writing.

I don't plan on reposting, because that particular corner of the internet is still pretty sour for me.

But, I am glad to see the mod tried to make it right... especially since I did go off on them here.

SO, u/idonthaveaname ... I take back some (maybe even all) of the horrible things I said about you.

I no longer feel it's necessary to say: "Fuck everyone over at r/DestructiveReaders"

...Fuck some of them though, that's for sure.