
Carrot greens are edible: Harold's leafy carrots, an easy recipe!

Fresh from the garden!
A bowl full of fresh carrots, washed and ready to cook, lying in their tasty, leafy greens
Carrots and carrot greens, washed and ready to cook!
So my dad isn't just great at cooking beet greens, here's the recipe:

INGREDIENTS: Carrots, carrot greens, cinnamon, butter, parsley

melted and oily, seasoned with cinnamon and parsleyThe carrots weren't really big enough to harvest, but we were impatient, so we pulled up just a couple. Then we washed them all off and removed the root hairs. 

We threw butter in a pan with cinnamon and parsley, and melted it all together. 

Then we tossed the carrots in, once they got golden brown we added in the greens (Only the greens! not the stems, they are too tough). 

Cook the whole thing all together on high heat until the greens get crispy, it comes out soooo good!

These carrots are seared on the sides, and tender. The leaves are cooked till crispy but not burned
Want more recipes from the garden? Here you go!

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